Portfolio Tracker Info

OptionScanner's Portfolio Tracker allows you to track and analyze your Stock & Option positions. Begin monitoring Stock, Option, Spread, combo, and Covered Call trades. This can be quite an effective tool as it helps you decide whether to remain in a Covered Call/Option Combo position or if the economics are better to liquidate. 

Our Tracker organizes your positions in order to help you stay on top of Return on Investment performance. You can enter trades and label multiple Portfolios to organize and track different Accounts and/or Potential Strategies. For example, you can Edit/Label your different portfolios such as "My IRA Account", "MY Covered Calls", "Spread Strategy Test", "My Leaps", etc. You will be able to track and analyze your positions and compare returns at current price, "if Liquidated", and at Expiration....

The tracker will also help with "Paper Trading" in order to practice any new or existing strategies you want. Test out potential strategies and "Paper Trade" by using our Portfolio Tracker in order to get comfortable with performance results. If you are unsure about a potential strategy, it always helps to test it out and track your returns before you initiate any trade or investment strategy. 

Users that want to "dive right in" can begin Tracking your Strategies and view your returns. Once you set up your portfolios, you can compare Current Returns vs. Returns at Expiration. Our Portfolio Trackers can help decide if the economics are better to remain in a position or Liquidate and make a specific return. Keep in mind, our "Estimated Values at Expiration Date" returns are calculated FROM current returns and are NOT Totals. This allows the you to analyze positions on an ongoing basis. It can help determine whether your upside gains going forward are worth waiting for (until expiration) or if you should liquidate a position and lock in your return or Rollover to another Month/Strike.

Users can add Stock, Option, Covered Call, and Option Combo (spread) positions to their tracker manually or use our "Add to Tracker" Links that automatically fills in your positions for you. You will notice these Add to Tracker links across the site and users can edit exact prices and dates whenever they want. We will be working to enhance our Portfolio tracker even further in the future.

For more HELP, Contact us or call us at: (203) 325-1171. or get started and View Feature now 



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